
Ways to enhance my efficiency while working from home?

The best strategy to improve the performance in home office is to reduce mobility to avoid the spread of the coronavirus and saturation of hospitals. For companies, this involves working from home or doing a home office. However, working from home can sometimes be challenging for a number of reasons: 1. Establish routines: One of […]

3 Benefits of Artificial intelligence

The objective of Artificial Intelligence is to contribute to human activities, making repetitive tasks more efficient. In this way, AI is a technological strategy to guide us towards the future because it automates repetitive jobs for tasks that involve innovation. However, on many occasions when talking about Artificial Intelligence, there is uncertainty about its effects. […]

Security and Artificial Intelligence in Mexico

Artificial Intelligence is the most important given that it lies in security. AI can detect and prevent intrusions that threaten the cybersecurity of companies. That is why artificial intelligence becomes a participant to prevent your data. Machine Learning is a great tool since it automatically learns to create systems from a database, analyzing combat threats. […]

Discover the benefits of AI and transform your company’s strategies

blog post beneficios de la ia en tu empresa

Face the future, discover the benefits of Artificial Intelligence, and avoid repetitive activities. Take the time to create and innovate! Profits or benefits of Artificial Intelligence. 1. Get to know customers better: better analyze customers with Big Data and create products or services offering added value for each type of customer. 2. Know your products […]

Find out more about the different types of Artificial Intelligence

Today Artificial Intelligence has made a great impact on the world and will change significantly in the coming decades. AI is in a stage called Narrow Artificial Intelligence (ANI) because it is a lower level than human intelligence. AI has made a great impact in the world, however, what are the different types of Artificial […]

Reduce with Artificial Intelligence: Costs and Time

Thanks to the new era with Artificial Intelligence you can reduce production costs for your company and improve the quality of your product. In the same way, with Artificial Intelligence you can increase your customer market in different sectors such as health, education, entrepreneurship, and finance. What could be better than reducing time and costs […]

The Artificial Intelligence Innovations

In January, events like CES and AI SUMMIT showed that artificial intelligence is transforming. Let’s start, then, to see what the Artificial Intelligence Innovations will be for this new decade: Voice assistants Thanks to artificial intelligence, interact with a voice assistant and facilitate your navigation. The assistant can process natural language to have a voice […]

How to Hire more than 100 Qualified People in a Week?

Can you imagine managing to hire more than 100 qualified candidates in a week? It seems crazy if you do it manually. Let us introduce you to a technology capable of helping you in the recruitment process. Previously, it was not unusual to meet someone who told you that they spent a lifetime in one […]

How to generate savings of up to 2,000,000 years?

generar ahorros de hasta 2 millones

We have repetitive processes in our operation that involve cost and time for our human talent on many occasions. What we need is to generate savings at these points in order to be more efficient. In this article you will learn the keys to achieve it through technology. One of the most important pharmacies in […]

5 Benefits of Chatbots in your Company

Beneficios de los chatbots para tu empresa

The benefits of chatbots are too many as they are the new trend for business. According to various Gartner studies, by 2020, 50% of companies will already have an attention robot operating. These robots generate different benefits for companies such as increasing the number of channels, improving interactions, generating savings, and reaching out to other […]

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