Artificial Intelligence companies in Mexico

In the XXI century, within the business field, data has gained such relevance that it has come to be the most important “natural resource”. To exemplify, internet users generate an average of 2.5 quintillions bites every day. Big companies have realized this fact and so they are implementing Artificial Intelligence to exploit this information. In […]
What is Blockchain and Why do Companies Talk about It?

Today, companies work with large amounts of data. For this reason, both Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain have become the most popular technology trends in the world. These technologies are applied in different ways. On the one hand, the blockchain stores encrypted data, while Artificial Intelligence is the engine that analyzes and makes decisions through a […]
Inclusive robots: Benefits of automation for your company

Today, companies must efficiently use available resources and make appropriate strategic decisions to avoid wasting resources. Because of this, many organizations are turning to benefits of automation solutions. Interest and activity in RPA are growing, and we increasingly see implementations that reach the enterprise scale and operate on processes throughout the organization. In this way, […]
Automation solutions in contingency season

In the insurance and health sector, leading companies in Mexico served their clients through branches, telephone, and digital channels, without any automation solutions. Due to the contingency generated by COVID-19, the flow of remote care increased significantly in recent weeks. Xira, with developments in Artificial Intelligence, managed to automate the flow of attention by up […]
Inclusive robots: Avoiding gender stereotypes in AI

One of the most common themes when talking about robots is that they replicate many of the biases that we currently live, perpetuating stereotypes of all kinds. For this reason, we want to share some tips to avoid gender stereotypes in Artificial Intelligence. And reduce these types of biases and take advantage of technology to […]
Inclusive Robots: Video games and AI revolutionize recruitment

For a long time, companies and consultancies used traditional methods such as psychometric tests to select the most suitable people according to a role in the company. Over time, these procedures have become outdated and somewhat privileged. A pattern has been seen in the staff, and a person’s biases are unconsciously involved when reading only […]
It’s always a good time to start learning about Artificial Intelligence!

This quarantine takes advantage of the time to increase your knowledge in one of the great skills of the decade: programming. We share a list of platforms and courses that could help you boost your technological skills and you can learn about Artificial Intelligence: This quarantine takes advantage of the time to increase your knowledge […]
Success stories on Artificial Intelligence in Mexico

Mexico was one of the first ten countries globally, and the first in Latin America, to publicly announce a national Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategy. In this way, throughout the Mexican territory, numerous organizations and institutions are studying Artificial Intelligence, its applications, working on the training of talent, and developing technological solutions for the market. Next, […]
Chatbots, 21st-century conversational experiences

Humans have always looked for comfort, and we have always found a way to make life easier for ourselves. We develop smartphones to have all the information at our fingertips. Never comply; we develop chatbots to solve doubts more interactively. Today, we can even order a pizza without having to get out of bed with […]
How Has Artificial Intelligence Been Supported in Fighting Covid 19?

Global organizations are leveraging artificial intelligence to control the spread of COVID-19. Here we share some news related to the use of AI to face this situation: Artificial Intelligence detected the outbreak before the world became aware of the threat. On December 30, 2019, BlueDot, a company that uses Artificial Intelligence to track and anticipate […]