
Success stories on Artificial Intelligence in Mexico

casos de exito sobre inteligencia artificial

Mexico was one of the first ten countries globally, and the first in Latin America, to publicly announce a national Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategy. In this way, throughout the Mexican territory, numerous organizations and institutions are studying Artificial Intelligence, its applications, working on the training of talent, and developing technological solutions for the market. Next, we share a couple of success stories with Artificial Intelligence solutions so that you know more about their use and Succes stories about Artificial Intelligence.

Success stories about Artificial Intelligence

Fight crime

One of the applications of Artificial Intelligence has to do with the fight against crime. These developers made a model with AI to classify and try to predict a criminal’s behavior. Learn more here.


In energy efficiency, Mexican researchers implemented a model with Artificial Intelligence to reduce costs in energy infrastructure and reduce CO2 emissions in the environment. For more details, see here.


Using “deep learning” or deep learning algorithms, UNAM researchers plan to detect people with initial symptoms of COVID-19. At the same time, with the help of AI algorithms circulating on the Internet, coronavirus cases can be confirmed through x-rays. Finally, in Mexico, in addition to estimating the number of cases with the use of big data, they seek to register the areas where contagion is most likely to alert the population to security measures.


Another case of success is in the hospitality sector, where Artificial Intelligence, through a robot inside the computer (cognitive RPA), automates tasks that executives take one working week each month to prepare. These activities included reviewing billing amounts, informing agencies in case of errors by sending emails, validating payments, and preparing collection reports. With the automation robot, this process becomes automatic, while executives take advantage of their time analyzing data and increasing their productivity in other activities. Learn more details here.
If you want to know how you can use A.I. and to have your own success story about Artificial Intelligence.

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