
Chatbots that Help You Expose the Recruitment

We have all gone through a slow and tedious recruitment process. Can you imagine being able to upload your CV to a chatbot and have it directly tell you whether or not you passed to the next stage. This is one of the many ways that chatbots can help boost recruitment.

The recruitment process is usually a laborious task that involves the investment of resources specifically dedicated to searching, pre-selecting, and interviewing candidates. In addition, with the technological advances that exist, people seek immediate attention in all processes, so it becomes a challenge to find and care for all candidates.

Currently, some tools can solve these challenges. One of these is automation robots that allow you to preselect candidates to schedule interviews with recruiters.

These robots help to obtain all the necessary data from the candidate before scheduling an interview so that the recruiter can focus on selecting the best. Recruitment chatbots help streamline the initial process with as much information as possible. On the other hand, recruiting robots allow people to instantly receive a response of thanks for being interested in the vacancy and information about the process to follow to schedule their interview.

Clearly, a robot could never replace a recruiter due to the great sense of intuition and psychology that is required to select the right candidate. However, taking advantage of a chatbot to initially serve candidates is very useful. In this task because responding immediately supports recruiters in the process of immediate candidate care.

If you are interested in learning more about how you could apply these service robots in your recruitment process, write to us at ventas@xira.com.mx! You can also visit a recruitment chatbot of one of our clients.

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